Some Activities in the past 活動花絮!

Class StudyClass Study


1) Japan Summer Study Trip is a cultural exchange program. In the past we visited to the Seido Mikawadai High School, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagasaki, Japan. during 17 to 27 July 2017年度"日本文化交、流學習之旅"是一個中學生的學習交流計劃,曾到到訪日本的大阪、京都、長崎,2017年7月17日至27日。
2)Work Camp 2018 was held in the Philippines (Manila and Cebu) in August 2018. Mission includes: Do constructional work for poor school; Teach poor school children, Visit seriously sick children, Visit and organize a program for poor, communities and families; Visit the orphanage, Interact with Filipino students, Excursion to the beach. 2018年的工作營於2018年8月期間進行,目的地為菲律賓(馬尼拉和宿霧)。活動包括:對貧困學校進行建築工程; 教導貧困孩子德育,拜訪病疾孩童,並特別對一些窮困、社會團體及家庭特別組織進行一系列的探訪活動; 參觀孤兒院,與菲律賓學生一起進行互動學習,遊覽當地著名海灘等。 影片分享 Video Sharing;
參與者的分享 Participants' Sharing

本會已於2017年11月18日舉行 "家庭照顧者愛的奉獻"專題講座,地址為澳門傷殘人士服務協進會演講室(黑沙灣第二街64號文豐樓C舖地下,時間為下午3:00~4:30。

This season! What is MOST UPDATES!最近有什麼活動?

身心靈工作坊系列Body-Mind-Spirit Well-being Workshop:認識自己、找尋自己、擁抱自己。對象為對心靈教育感興趣的人士,於2020年9月30日19:00-21:00pm進行;
The Honlam Education and Research Association (HERA) is a non-profit organization formed by young people and professionals from different professional fields who care about the community. Organized by HERA, co-organized by the Macao Women's Health Wellness Association (MWHSA) and the Tuesday Momocha Tea Party, the "Youth Volunteer Training Workshop Series: The Mystery of Inner Freedom" (hereinafter referred to as "Sharing Session") was held for the first time at Newman, the Cardinal Art Museum, Macao on 7 September 2020!The seminar focused on the young people's resilience and emotional management skills, during which, the guests shared their experiences and explored the secrets of inner peace of mind. On top of that, HERA introduced the guests to share their own experiences and explore the secrets of inner peace of mind. They interacted with each other in a relaxed, interesting, thought-provoking and enlightening atmosphere.由翰林 教育暨研究協會主辦(下稱協會),澳門婦兒保健養生協會、周二摩摩茶茶會協辦的《青年義工培 訓系列工作坊:內心自在的奧秘》(下稱分享會),在澳門紐曼樞機藝文館首次舉辦!協會為非牟 利團體,由本澳關愛社會的不同專業領域青年或專業人士組成,致力青年素質培育和社會發展研究 。分享會圍繞現時年青人的抗壓能力及情緒管理能力,由協會引出分享嘉賓自身經歷,一同探索內 心自在的奧秘,過程中嘉賓在輕鬆氛圍中交流互動,內容有趣亦引人深省和有醍醐灌頂之悟,到結 束時來賓也是意猶未盡。

Macau Summer International Volunteer Work 2019 (Manila-Palawan) has been held from 10-26 June 2019. We would like to show our apprecitions to the New Galaxy Entertainment Company Limited, JLL-Macau, Macao Foundation for the generous support on this activity.


Visits to Disadvantaged Families Paid by Young Volunteers of HERA: by Dr. Joseph Sy-Changco, its chairman and an associate professor at the University of Macau, Honlam Education and Research Association conducted a series of activities: “Young Volunteers’ Visits to the Underprivileged Families” The Activities, which were specially targeted at singleton elderly, young patients or handicapped persons, will enable young people to grow up from their love and gradually cultivate their social participation and service mission. The total number of participants is 12, mainly working young professionals. They said that the caring for the disadvantaged families not only inspired them to think about life and broaden their outlook on life, but also fostered their sense of responsibility for feeling grateful and serving the community. The event was mainly planned by young volunteers Honlam Education and Research Association. 本會於2019年6月10日至26日"國際青年義工工作培訓營" - 在此特別感謝銀河娛樂集團、JLL-Macau支持! 一行十二人從澳門出發前往了馬里拉、宿霧進行探訪活動,活動中特別針對獨居長者,青年病患或傷殘的人士進行探訪活動,讓青年從愛的行動中自我成長,逐步培育他們對社會的參與及服務使命。



What's coming soon? 我們將有什麼活動?

為持續優化家庭關係,本會將於2023年工作目標為家庭長者、親子的關愛工作,目前正整理適合親子閱讀的題味題庫及開發家庭關愛科技管理系統,就 "家庭長者、親子關愛"服務有需要的朋友,歡迎聯絡我們的秘書處Maggie,服務熱線(853)66635534,或電郵至,請註明2023家庭服務支授計劃,本協會確認後將盡快處理。In order to optimize the family relationship, HERA will target the elderly and parent-child care service in 2023. Currently, it is sorting out the question bank suitable for parent-child reading and developing a family-care technology management system. Friends in need of "Family Elders, Parent-Child Care" services, please contact our secretariat Maggie, service hotline (853)66635534, or email to, please specify the 2023 Family Service Support Plan, and the staff of HERA will contact you as soon as possible.

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