To help strengthen society by taking an active involvement in the areas of cross cultural promotion, value cultivation and educational formation.推廣、道德、培育
從2015年開始,我們為我們朋友們在菲律賓組織了一系列的工作營活動。讓朋友加入此項工作並不是一項太具有挑戰性的任務,因為現今的年輕人都傾向於自願為社會義務工作。但是,我個人想為我們要幫助的社區做一些更大更有意義的事情,從而獲取更多的財政資源。所以我想到通過Whatsapp發送邀請訊息給我的朋友和以前曾任教過的學生進行捐款從而為在菲律賓一個名為巴拉望的貧困社區建立一個學校教室。令我驚訝的是,我發送消息後幾分鐘後就得到了肯定的回覆。其中一條回執的回信人是葛列格里(Gregory),這是我1992年以前曾任教過的一位畢業學生,幸好在過去這幾年與他保持著聯繫。十二年前,葛列格里(Gregory)成了基督教。他告訴我,他很樂意捐助我需要的全部金額,並建議我們在任教大學的咖啡室見面午飯小聚,以便讓他可以直接捐款。在我們會面的那一天,在我們開始吃午飯之前,葛列格里(Gregory)以一種認真的語調諮詢我,他能否捐出更多的捐款嗎?當然,我心中很高興他言一番話。他告訴我他想捐贈的金額是原來的兩倍。我回答說,這是一份太好的心意,因為我們已經有足夠捐款策劃組織第二年的另一項工作。然後他回答我說,我應該花所有的錢,幫助那些有需要的窮人。倘若我們計劃再進行另一次工作營,我應該會亳不猶豫地再邀請他進行另一次捐款。我的朋友中具有這種慷慨行為的表現實在讓我感到非常感動。在2016年,我們又創建了另一個工作營,我們成地地再建立了另一個教室,葛列格里(Gregory)承諾了支助整個建築費用和衍生的資出。今這個夏天,我們將在2017年8月2日至14日期間再度展開工作營。除了捐贈之外,葛列格里(Gregory)還決定加入我們這個活動項目,因為他相信能參與這一項工作去幫助有需要的人是另一種型式更大的祝福。參加的工作人員有來自高中、大學生以及大學教授。他們主要來自澳門,但亦有少數來自台灣、美國、墨西哥、新加坡、菲律賓和南美洲等地的人士,在過去三次工作營中,我們分別訪問了馬尼拉一個非常貧瘠的地區。城鄉貧困人口的生活條件比農村窮困人口的生活條件更差。訪問期間,我們為社區兒童組織了一個方案,給他們食物、學校用品和玩具。我們還設法訪問了最需要的家庭人員。我們主要是訪問的家庭均大約為六至八個孩子的大家庭。參與的志願者深入瞭解了孩子及其家屬成員所遇到的困境,進一步注意到他們那有如正面臨著赤裸裸身體的挑戰,但他們臉上還掛著微笑,心存喜樂。訪問結束時,澳門大學第一年學生埃德溫(Edwin)向所有志願者提到了個命題 “幸福原來是一種選擇”,所有參與的志願者從所見的證據都同意他提出的論點。這亦是他們能夠解釋他們在這種困難地方生活仍能找到幸福的唯一方法,他們不依賴於自己的物質福祉。來自澳門大學主修金融專業的學生裡奇也非常感動,看到貧困家庭感欣他們為他們所作出的小小事情。即使是一張小紙張的贈送也可以讓他們內心真正快樂。他們分享說: 在澳門或其他很多城市,即使許多孩子有豐富的物質生活,也很難在他們的臉上看到這一種內心快樂的笑容。此外,我們還在一家公立醫院訪問了一位患有非常嚴重疾病的孩子,如癌症或腦部問題疾病等,在這些孩子和他們父母所承受的困苦之中,我們看到他們在上帝手中並沒有放棄自己的態度,他們從來沒有失去他們的信仰,也沒有希望求神的救恩。他們表示非常感謝我們能為他們提供的幫助。一些志願者評論說,我們的幫助與他們的需求相比是較小的,促使他們考慮通過其他方式來幫助他們。在我們建立教室的巴拉望學校裏,我們有幸有機會在學生的休息時段和放課之後教授學生一些互動知識,其中一些受幫助的學生為志願者回贈了一些小禮物,從而表示感激之情。接着,一百多名學生排隊,分別獲得了志願者的簽名,這些志願者受到學生如名人般對待,這些行為感動了志願者的心靈,意識到他們所作出的努力能夠為他們作出的小小幫助是具有價值的。在工作營結束的時候,每個志願者都賺取了一份更加成熟和更具社會責任感的人生觀。當看到其他人所面對不得不經歷的困難,志願工作者們更加感欣他們所獲得的祝福。整個旅程教給他們很多關於生活中真正重要的價值。 受幫助者反而喚醒和教導了我們以懷著希望、給予的方式去生活,最後我們是接受祝福更多的人。 窮困人士教會了我們應該如何生活; 他們教給我們幸福的秘訣。Beginning in 2015, we organized a series of workcamps in the Philippines for our friends. Getting friends to join was not a challenging task since young people these days are inclined to do volunteer work. However, I wanted to to do something bigger and more meaningful for the communities which we were going to help which would then require more financial resources. So I thought of sending whatsapp messages to my friends and former students soliciting their monetary contributions for building a school classroom in an impoverished community in Palawan, a province in the Philippines. To my surprise I got positive replies within minutes of sending the messages. One of those who replied was Gregory, a former student of mine way back in 1992 with whom I have kept in touch all these past years. Gregory became a Christian around twelve years ago. He told me he would be happy to cover the whole amount I was asking for and suggested that we meet and have lunch in the café of the university so he could give me his donation. On the day of our meeting, before we could even start our lunch, Gregory asked me in a serious tone of voice if he could donate more. Naturally I said yes with all delight. He told me that he wanted to donate double the amount that I was asking. Right away, I said that it would be great since we will already have the money to organize another workcamp the following year. He then replied that I should spend all the money he was giving to help the poor that year and if we plan to have another workcamp, I should just go back to him and ask for another donation. I was very moved by this act of generosity from my friend. In 2016, we had another workcamp where we also built another classroom and Gregory, as promised, covered the cost of the whole construction and more. We are going to have another workcamp this summer from August 2 to 14, 2017. Besides giving donation, Gregory decided to join us too this time, knowing that so much blessings come along to those who physically help out in this work.Participants in the workcamps were high school and university students as well as university professors. Most of them were from Macau but some participants came from Taiwan, the US, Mexico, Singapore, the Philippines, and South America.In all the last three work camps, we also visited a very depressed area in Manila. The living conditions among the urban poor is much worst compared to those of the rural poor. During the visit, we organized a program for the children of the community and gave them food, school supplies and toys. We also managed to visit the homes of families who needed the most. Most of those we visited had big families with around six to eight children. Those volunteers experienced this encounter with the children and their families, noticed the joy that was emanating from the smiles of their faces despite the abject poverty they were facing. At the end of the visit, Edwin, a first year student at the University of Macau, mentioned all the volunteers which all the volunteers agreed to that happiness must be a choice. This was the only way they could explain the happiness they found in those places. It did not depend on one’s material well being. Ricky, a Finance student also from the University of Macau, was very moved to see how much they appreciated the little things we could give them. Even a small piece of paper could already make them happy. They said that back in Macau or in the other cities where they come from, many children look sad even if they had material things in abundance. We also visited very sick children in a public hospital, some of them having serious illnesses like cancer or brain disease. Amidst the suffering that these children and their parents had to bear, we also saw in them the peace that comes from abandoning themselves in the hands of God. They never lost their faith nor their hope in the God who saves. They were very grateful for the little help we could offer them. Some of the volunteers commented, that our help was little compared to the needs they have. It made them consider to think of other ways we could help them out.In the schools in Palawan where we built the classrooms, we had the opportunity of teaching the students and interacting with them during breaks and after their classes. One day one of the young students brought some gifts to one of the volunteers as a sign of his gratitude. Later on more than one hundred students lined up to get the signatures of the volunteers who felt overwhelmed by the celebrity status they were treated by the students. These acts melted the hearts of the volunteers who then realized that all their hard efforts in helping out was all worth it. At the end of the workcamps, everyone returned with a more mature and responsible outlook on life. Witnessing the difficulties that other people had to undergo, the volunteers appreciated more the blessings they have been receiving. The whole trip taught them so much about what really matters in life. They mentioned that we went there with the hope of giving, but at the end, we were the ones who received more. The poor taught us so much about life. They taught us the secret of happiness.
古詩云春花三月下楊州,絢麗的春天,萬物重生,大地春回,澳門今日更嬌嬈,“翰林教育暨研究協會” 已經上2016年3月11號正式成立,特此於2016年3月20日在皇都酒店維凱舉行本會成立酒會慶祝,並同時按本會的宗旨: 針對道德價值教育和相關人性發展培育領域進行研究,從而幫助、強化、鞏固這個社會;故此我們今天亦同時舉行了“有效育兒-提高親子關係國際學術研討會”的首場主題分享。在此,我謹代表 “翰林協會”的組委會,對來自中國內地、美國、新加坡、香港、澳門、台灣等地區的學者、父母、朋友們表示熱烈歡迎! 本次會議主題, ‘打開心窗-親子溝通竅門’ ;會議共收到論文近百篇,就不同主題按不同場次分別逐一探討,另本會評選委員會將在其中選出約十八篇論文收錄於本會的論文集中。 透過是次會議,讓澳門社會各界人士就親子關係等論題進行較深層次的探討,從而使出席是次會議的人士,就該等論題具有較深入的理解。本會在此特別感謝楊穎虹女士作為此會議主講嘉賓,使是此研討會第一主題能夠順利完成。順帶預告,本會議第論文集將於2017年12月發佈。 (活動圖片花絮Family Event Pictures)Honlam Education and Research Association is authorized to incorporate with its own legal identity under the official Gazette of Macau SAR on 11 Feb 2016. The mission of Honlam is “to strengthen the society by taking an active involvement in the areas of cross cultural promotion, value cultivation and educational formation. With this target, we hold this Family Engagement Conference, aiming to offer a platform for the local and oversea researchers in various domains of education. Totally, there are around 60 academic abstracts on this conference topic the research topics and finally around 18 papers are selected to be published on the conference proceedings in Year 2017. CONFERENCE THEME:The theme of the conference is “Family Engagement”. We are looking for junior researchers’ contributions related to this theme. We live in a dynamic world that changes day by day. To keep up with these changes, our education faces many challenges. The HERA 2016 conference aims to enhance the field of education by raising questions about how we can make our education future-proof. The HERA 2016 conference brings together researchers working in various domains of education. Different viewpoints and diverse methodological orientations allow participants to further explore education in this dynamic world and facing the future. OBJECTIVES & SCOPE:Devotion to research includes asking questions and discovering new paths while seeking for the answers. Yet, researchers today do not embark on such an endeavor alone; they share ideas and collaborate with others. The HERA 2016 conference is an excellent opportunity for such an exploration. The HERA 2016 organizing committee deeply appreciates participates in the exploration of “Family Engagement” with the keynote speaker and expert-led workshops, paper presentation, interactive platforms and roundtable discussions on 20th March 2016. To deepen this joint journey, all participants of the HERA 2016 conference are expected to take part in the feedback procedure and to provide comments on the internet platform. Additionally, selected paper will be published on our Conference Proceedings after reviews.
翰林教育暨研究協會於2016年8月13日為澳門傷殘人士服務協進會的會員及其家庭成員舉行「健康生活模式之機會與挑戰」分享會,是次活動主要在「健康與長壽」領域探討。 翰林育育暨研究協會副會長劉潔深指出,本次會議介紹了澳門人口年齡分佈發展情況,並對本澳人士飲食習慣、食療方便提供了一些經驗分享,例如食材的有效處理方法、食材與效益對比等等。該會希望透過是次會議,讓參與者進一步提升對健康生活的良好飲食習慣,從而輔助康復者的醫療成效。該會在此特別感謝澳門理工學院梁倩茹副教授作為是次會議的主題嘉賓,並為在場出席者及學員分享寶貴的研究經驗。This Health Seminar on 13 August 2016 allowed the audiences to know the nutrition know-how and will provide them with 12 easy ways to improve the diet, manage the recovery, boost the energy level, and prevent disease. The talk is offered by Professor Cindy, from the Health School of Macao Polytechnic Institute, on 13th August 2016. Based on the latest scientific research, Professor Cindy offers advice on how to eat to stay healthy based on different age group, how they work to fight disease, and how to incorporate them into your daily diet.